Hailing from the enchanting city of Kathmandu, Yabesh Thapa is a musical virtuoso renowned for his lyrical brilliance and soul-stirring compositions. A storyteller at heart, he has captured the hearts of fans and music enthusiasts with his ability to narrate the complexities of life through his melodies.
In 2019, Yabesh embarked on his journey with ClassX, a pivotal moment that would ignite his career and usher in a new era of musical brilliance. With each note and each lyric, he painted vivid portraits of emotion, life, and love.
Yabesh’s debut, “Laakhau Hajarau,” struck a resonant chord with audiences, cementing his position as a rising star in the Nepali music scene. The song was an anthem that celebrated the beauty of storytelling through music, and it soon became a massive hit, earning him a dedicated fan base.