Tribal Rain is performing live in The Galaxy Empire at Putali Bazar Bhirkutipath, Chitwan on Friday, September 9th 2022. Tribal Rain Band has developed numerous superhit songs like Narisauna, Chinta, Bhanai, Jiunu Nai Hola, Laijaw Malai and many more.
The event will be opened by one of the trending bands: the Kattav band. The presale ticket price is Rs 800 and the door sale ticket price is Rs. 1,000. You will receive one can-beer as a complimentary.
About Table Reservation Details:
Four Seater At Rs. 8,000
It includes Rs. 4,000 worth of food and drinks. The ticket price for 4 people (Rs. 1,000 * 4 = Rs 4,000).
Six Seater At Rs. 12,000
It includes Rs. 6,000 worth of food and drinks. The ticket price for 6 people (Rs. 1,000 * 6 = Rs 6,000).
For more information about the event and venue, please feel free to contact 056-590269.