Experience an enchanting evening at Shanti Fest, an annual celebration organized by Chiya Coffee Production, where tranquility meets cultural vibrancy. Nestled within the serene surroundings of the Siddheswari Football Ground in Deepnagar, Butwal, this event is a tribute to the timeless wisdom of Lord Buddha, fostering a sense of peace and unity within the community.
On Thursday, May 23rd, from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm, immerse yourself in the soothing melodies of Rachana Dahal, accompanied by the captivating harmonies of John and the Locals. As the sun sets, the ambiance becomes infused with a sense of serenity, creating the perfect backdrop for introspection and connection.
Sip on a cup of Chiya Coffee, carefully crafted to tantalize your taste buds and warm your soul, as you engage in meaningful conversations with fellow attendees. Let the gentle rhythms of the music guide you on a journey of relaxation and inner reflection, as you rediscover the beauty of simplicity and the joy of shared experiences.
Join us at Shanti Fest for an evening filled with cultural richness, heartfelt connections, and moments of pure bliss. Together, let us honor the spirit of peace and harmony, as we come together to celebrate the essence of humanity.