Prepare yourself for a hilarious night of comedy as the talented comedians Alan Jung Thapa and Aashish Ghimire are back with their much-awaited show, Rule Breaker Boyz. This comedy show is a must-watch and will be held at The Attic, which is a small venue that will be perfect for a night full of laughter.
Both, Alan Jung Thapa and Aashish Ghimire are famous for their humor, satire, and timing. Their comedy and performing techniques are different and this guarantees the audience a good laugh from the beginning to the end. The “Rule Breaker Boyz” are a comedy duo that will make you laugh your head off as they explore life, society and all the things in between.
The Attic is the perfect place for this special performance because it creates a comfortable environment that fosters a good relationship between the performers and the audience. When you sit in this cozy area, you will be in the best place to hear all the jokes and other brilliant ad libs.
Come and be a part of this great comedy show and watch Alan Jung Thapa and Aashish Ghimire perform beyond the norms of comedy and make you laugh out loud.