Dashain ko Rumjhum For The First Time in 10 Years at Dashrath Rangashala, Tripureshwor

Dashain ko Rumjhum For The First Time in 10 Years at Dashrath Rangashala, Tripureshwor

Organized By Dashain Fest
Starting From 01 October 10:00am onwards
IT IS NOW happening! On Saturday, October 1, 2022, Dashain Fest will take place in our national stadium, DASARATH RANGASALA.

Our musicians' list speaks for itself; after ten arduous years, we hope to be the biggest music festival in Nepal, for Nepal. Now BIGGER & BETTER, Dashain ko rumjhum. The list begins with

  • The Edge Band

  • Neetesh Jung Kunwar

  • The Elements

  • Bartika Eam Rai

  • Laure

  • Swoopna Suman

  • Trishala Gurung

  • Subani Moktan

  • Vek

  • Yabesh

The early bird ticket sale for phase 1 is currently open.

The phase one ticket has been sold out.
Only the first 1000 customers can purchase tickets for NRS/- 1,000.
The silver ticket (sitting) for this exciting event is Rs. 2,000 and the price for the gold ticket (sitting) is Rs. 3,000 only.

For the phase two tickets:
Use a scanner to buy the tickets. The price of the standing ticket is Rs. 1,500. For silver sitting, the price is Rs. 2,500 and for the gold sitting, the price is Rs. 3,500.

Dashain ko Rumjhum For The First Time in 10 Years at Dashrath Rangashala, Tripureshwor

Let's get this done, KATHMANDU! We are excited to host the most enthusiastic audience from Nepal since, in our opinion, it will be the season's greatest event.
Tripureshwor , Kathmandu, 44600 Bagmati Province

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